What Are The Natures Of Management? With Full Definition.

             Some authors regard management as a service because there are well tested and experimented principles of management, some authors are of the view that management is an art because more practice is required in management, while some consider it going towards the path of the profession. In order, to reach a certain conclusion we will have to understand the meaning and features of science, art, and profession and then apply them to management for reaching a certain conclusion.


Management as a Science

 Science may be defined as a systematized body of knowledge acquired through observation and experimentation which is capable of verification and can establish cause and effect relations.


The main features of science are :

1. Systematised Body of knowledge.

            In science organized and systematic study material is available which can be used to acquire the knowledge of science. Management has also developed systematic and organized study material for proper understanding of the subject as is done in science. The first feature of science is present in management.


2. Continuous Observations.

           The scientific principles are derived on the basis of logical and scientific observations. Before arriving at principles, scientists perform logical observations and reach objective conclusions.


When managers observe people working in an organization, their observations may not ve fully objective and logical. There may be some kind of subjectivity in observations when it comes to human beings. The scientific principles have the same effect wherever they may be tried and observed. The effect in management may vary from one situation to another. This principle of science is not applicable to management.


3. Principles Based on repeated experiments.

            Before developing the principles scientist test them under different conditions and places. Managers also test different principles in different organizations, at different organizations, at different places, and at different conditions. This principle of science is present in management also.


4. Universal Validity.

             Scientific principles have universal application and validity. The principles will give the same result when used at different places. Management principles are not exact like scientific principles, their application and use are not universal. Management principles have to be modified according to the given situation. The principle of Science is not present in management.


5. Replication is Possible.

              When two scientists working on the same data and working independently reach the same conclusions and get the same results, this will be called replication. This type of experimentation and result is possible in science. In management, managers conduct research or experiments on human beings. When two managers are investigating the same data, on a different set of human beings, the results may not be the same since human beings do not react similarly at different times. So this feature of science is not present in management.

 Conclusion. Some features of science are present in management but these are not enough to call it a science. Management is not a science like other physical sciences such as physics social science.


Management as an Art

  Art is often regarded as the systematic application of skill or knowledge in accomplishing the desired task. Art requires a systematic body of knowledge which requires skill, creativity, and practice to get perfection.

The main features of art areas :

1. Systematic Body of Knowledge.

               There is a need to have systematic and organized study material for acquiring theoretical knowledge of art. In management also systematic and organized material is available for acquiring knowledge of managerial principles and practices. Thes feature of art is available in management.


2. Personalised Application of Knowledge.

                 It is not enough to get theoretical knowledge of art, it should be applied by the person using his skills and creativity. For example, a musician might have studied ragas from the books on music but he needs to apply them with his skills and creativity which will make him different from others. In management, managers learn the same management theories but their efficiency will be seen from their application in different situations. The creativity and personal skills of managers will be seen from the application of the same principles in a better way. So this feature of art is also available in management.


3. Based on Practice and Creativity.

            An artist needs regular practice of art in order to improve his skills. It is said that practice makes a man perfect, it is applicable to an artist also. The artist should also use creativity in order to distinguish his work from others. In management, persons improve their skills and find better ways of getting things done through the application of knowledge. A manager has to deal with new situations every day and his creative thinking will help him in getting better results. This feature of art is present in management.

Conclusion. On comparing the features of art with that of management, we find that all the features of art are present in management. We can say that management is the art of getting things done by others.


Management as a Profession

          A profession is defined as an occupation backed by specialized knowledge and training and entry regulated by a representative body.

Following are the features of a profession.

1. Well Defined Body of Knowledge.

    Every profession has a systematic body of knowledge which helps professionals to gain proper knowledge of that profession. Management has an organized body of knowledge built by management thinkers and practitioners over a period of time. The scholars are studying different problems and are developing new principles to solve them. In this sense, This feature of the profession is present in management.


2. Professional Associations.

         Fo the regulation of any profession, there should be a representative body. This body lays down the standards of education and training for those entering that profession. For example, doctors have to get themselves registered with the Medical Council of India, a Chartered Accountant has to get membership of the Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants.


           In the case of management, various management associations at the national and international levels have been set up. For example, the All India Management Association, New Delhi, National Institute of Personnel Management, Calcutta has been set up for the benefit of management professionals. Legally, it is not essential that management professionals should get the membership of these bodies. As per this feature, management cannot be called a profession but surely such associations may get statutory backing in the future.


3. Restricted Entry

        The entry to a particular profession is controlled by its professional body. A person intending to enter that profession must acquire the prescribed educational qualification. For example. to become a doctor a person must have an MBBS degree or to enter the law profession one must be a law graduate.

In the case of management, there is no specific qualification prescribed for becoming a manager. A person can become a manager irrespective of educational qualifications. The trend is now changing and persons with MBA qualifications are preferred as managers. At present management does not qualify to be a profession an account of this future but the trend is surely changing.


4. Existence of Code of Conduct.

        Various professional bodies prescribe a code of conduct that members are required to observe. A code of conduct provides rules and regulations, norms of honesty, integrity, and professional morality.

In management, there is no code of conduct for managers. AIMA has devised code conduct for Indian managers but it is not legally binding for the managers to themselves register with that association. So management cannot be called profession on the basis of this feature of a profession but things are preceding the direction when managers may follow a standard code of conduct.


5. Service Motive.

       A profession involves the application of expert knowledge for the service of society. A doctor earns his living out of his medical profession but service to society is uppermost in his mind. A manager aims to achieve the goals of a business, the main goal may be to maximize profits. Things are now changing and besides profit business is taking up social responsibilities for the welfare of society. So presently the feature of the profession is not present in management but things may change in the future.

Conclusion. The above discussion shows that management does not qualify to be called professional on most of the accounts. Most of the features of a profession are not present management. There is a likelihood that statutory backing in near future may management as a profession like that medical, law chartered accountancy, etc.

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