What Is Consumer Protection Act, 1986? With Full Definition.

Introduction of Indian Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

              The consumers in India need protection from unscrupulous sellers. It is not possible to approach civil courts for every complaint. In order to give quick, cheap, and speedy justice to consumers in India, the Government of India passed the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. To widen the scope of this Act it was amended in 1993 and again in 2002. Consumer Protection Act has given six rights to consumers while two rights have been recommended by UNO.


Features of Consumer Protection Act

1. Coverage of Items.

The Act applies to all products and services unless Govt. of India makes some items out of the scope of this act. This coverage was enlarged through an amendment in 1993 by including complaints relating to restrictive trade practices, complaints against goods which are hazardous to life and safety of consumers, and the information has not been given about the contents, usage, and effect of the goods in accordance with the law, complaints of consumers who buy goods for earning livelihood by means of self-employment. House construction service was also brought under the purview of the act.


2. Coverage of Sectors.

     The Act applies to public, private, and joint sectors.


3. Compensatory Nature of Provisions. 

    The provisions of this Act are compensatory in nature.


4. Safeguards. 

     The act provides many safety measures to consumers with regard to defective products, unsatisfactory services, unfair trade practices.


5. Collective Complaints.

     There is a provision for loading a collective complaint by consumers having the same interest.


6. Meaningless Complaint.

     There is a provision to give punishment to those who make frivolous and meaningless complaints.


7. Grievance Redressal Machinery.

     A three tire grievance redressal machinery has been provided in the act through the establishment         of:

           (i) District Form at the district level

           (ii) State Commission at the state level

           (i)  National Commission at the national level.


Consumer Rights

Consumer rights have been highlighted from time to time. He has rights both towards goods and redressal of grievances. The consumer has the following rights:

1. Right to choose.

     The consumer has a right to choose from available goods. This right will be exercised onlu if a variety of goods is available.


2. Right against exploitation.

    Consumers are heve rights against exploitation from mal trade practices, false and misleading advertisements.


3. Right to information.

    The consumer has a right to be informed of the quality, price, operational requirements, adverse side effects if any, and other relevant facts about the products.


5. right to safety.

    The consumer has a right against those goods which are unsafe or injurious to health.


6. Redressal of grievances.

     In case the consumer feels aggrieved then there should be machinery where he is heard.


7. Receive proper satisfaction.

    He has a right to receive proper satisfaction from goods and services. The goods should satisfy the needs of the consumers.


8. Right to after-sale service.

    Consumers have the right to get satisfactory after-sale service if it was guaranteed by the manufacturer or seller.

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