What Is Directing. With Full Definition.

Meaning and Concept of Directing

             Directing function refers to instructing, guiding, communicating, inspiring, and motivating employees to work for the achievement of organizational goals. This function helps in placing high type of persons are proper positions in the organization. The actual work starts when these persons get instructions from their supervisors. The directing function does not mean only giving instructions but also requires that the work progresses as per plans and is carried out efficiently for achieving organizational goals.

Features/Characteristics of Directing

 Following is the nature or characteristics of directing function :

1. Directing Initiates Action.

           After placing persons at different positions, directing initiates organized and planned activities and ensures effective performance by subordinates. All the persons in the organization work to achieve organizational objectives.,

2. Continuing Function.

            Directing is a continuing function. A manager has to continuously direct, guide, motivate and lead his subordinates. It is not that after giving instructions once things will go on automatically. There is a need for taking steps continuously so that things are done as per the instructions.

3. Directing takes place at Every Level.

        Directing takes place at every level and in all locations. Every manager has supervised, guided, communicate and motivate the subordinates to get the things done, The time spent on directing decreases at higher levels of management while it is more at operational level

4. Directing flows from Top to Bottom.

          Direction goes from top to bottom > Directions are given by seniors to their subordinates. Every manager takes directions from above and gives them to the subordinates below him.

5, Performance Oriented. Directing is a performance-oriented function.

           The main motive is to improve the performance of persons in the organization. The subordinates are directed to achieve organizational goals in a proper and better way. directing is performed oriented function.

6. Human Element.

              Directing function deals with relationships between people working in an organization. It creates co-operation and harmony among members of the group. It seeks to achieve an orderly arrangement of a group effort to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common objectives.

Importance of Directing

 The importance of directing is discussed as follows :

1. Direction is requierd to intitiate action.

           Various managerial functions like planning organizing, staffing, etc. Will be taken up only when directions are given for them. The human and non-human resources of an organization will be utilized only when action is taken for doing it. Direction is necessary for making the best use of various resources. The successful completion of directing function leads to a unit of direction and achievement of organizational goals.

2. Means of Motivation.

            The directing function is not restricted to giving instructions to subordinates but motivating them to improve their performance is also an important part of it. The employees should be encouraged to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently. A sense of belongingness to the organization should be created among employees so that they perform to the best of their ability.

3. Integrate Efforts of the Employees.

            various employees work in an organization at different levels and at different positions, the employees may differ in their levels of authority and may perform different tasks. All employees are integrated and are a part of one organization. The directing function helps in integrating the activities of various persons and will lead to the achievement of organizational goals.

4. Balance in the organization.

              The employees may develop different attitudes while working at different positions. Directing helps in balancing the attitudes of different employees. For example, a marketing manager may propose a reduction in the price of a product in order to increase its sales but the managing director may not approve this suggestion. Similarly, there may be differences in attitude between employees and employers. The directing function creates a balance by guiding employees that their interests do not clash with that of the organization and all employees should aim at the etermen of the organization.

5. Facilitates change.

               Employees may be averse to accepting new changes. Directing functions instruct employees to adopt new changes for the betterment of the organization and for the good future of employees. The workers may oppose the introduction of new technology fearing that it may lead to the loss of jobs. The directing function guides the employees and clears their misunderstandings. So directing function helps in adapting to new situations.

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