What Is Organising? Definition of Organising

What Is Organising?

Meaning and Concept

The organization is the process of identifying and grouping various activities in the organization and assigning them to various persons, working together for achieving specific organizational goals. It also helps in establishing relationships among various persons in the organization, fixing their authority and responsibility, and using various available resources in the best possible way.

Features/Characteristics of the organization

The following are the main characteristics of an organization:

1. Group of persons.

Every business requires the services of people. When two or more persons come together for undertaking a common work then the organization comes into existence. So an organization exists with a number of persons.

2. Common objective.

There are common objectives to be achieved in an organization. The individual objectives of different persons and departments also lead to the achievement of common organizational objectives. Working in a common direction is the essence of an organization.

3. Division of work.

The total work of the enterprise is divided into activities and functions. Various activities are assigned to different persons for their efficient accomplishment. When one person performs the same work repeatedly he develops specialization in it and his efficiency improves. So the division of work helps in achieving business goals.

4. Coordination.

When different persons are assigned different tasks then they try to attain them in their own ways. The individual effort may not go towards the attainment of main business goals. There is a need to coordinate the activities of various persons so that their efforts lead to the main goals.

5. Authority-responsibility Relationship.

An organization consists of various positions arranged in a hierarchy with well-defined authority and responsibility. A relationship of superior-subordinate is established carefully. The tasks are assigned at each level and necessary authority is delegated for accomplishing them. Along with authority responsibility is also fixed for each work at every level.

6. Communication.

An organization works with an effective communication system. Every order or information passes on from upward to downward and reactions to such communications go upward. The communication system informs various persons of the tasks they are to perform and performance reports from different jobs enable management to assess the levels of achievement.

Importance of Organisation

 Following are some of the advantages of a good organization:

1. Benefits of Specialisation.

In organizing the work is divided into different parts and different persons are assigned different activities. It brings specialization in work since one person will be taking up the same task repeatedly and this will improve his/her efficiency and productivity. Due to the division of work, the assignment of work as per the qualifications of persons will lead t specialization.

2. Clarity of Roles.

The persons in the organization are assigned clearly different jobs and everybody knows his work and concentrates on that. A manager will clarify the tasks of the description of jobs will clarify the roles of different persons.

3. Clarity in Working Relationships.

In the organization structure, the placement of persons at different jobs is done and the authority and responsibility assigned is clearly defined. Each manager knows to whom he can order or from whom he has to get instructions. The superior-subordinate relation is clearly defined in the organization.

4. Optimum Utilisation of Resources.

The work of every person is clearly defined and there is no scope for overlapping and duplication of activities. The will help in avoiding the wastage of resources. Effective distribution of work will also ensure that every activity is done well in theme and making the best use of resources.

5. Promotes Growth and Diversification.

Areas and activities of a business grow if it has a well-knit organization. There will be a need for employing more persons whenever expansion and diversification take place. A flexible organizational structure will enable the employment of more persons without disturbing the work. Additional activities will not put any strain on the management.

6. Easy Coordination.

Every enterprise has a number of departments and sections. These are assigned different duties for achieving business objectives. There is a need for coordinating the working of various segments. A good organization will divide and sub-divide the activities in such a way that the activities of different we3gments become complementary. This will bring automatic co-ordination in the business.

7. Training and Development of Personnel.

A good organization offers an opportunity for the training and development of personnel. A clearly defined authority provides a scope for the use of talent. There will be a sufficient scope to try new ideas in improving the working of the organization. The new entrants get sufficient training in their work. They are attached to experienced persons who guide them in undertaking various jobs. The job training is much better and gives good results as compared to classroom training. A well-devised organizational system will provide a sufficient opportunity for the training of new trainees and the development of existing Stagg.

8. Encourages initiative. 

A good organizational structure will provide sufficient scope for taking initiative. Persons are allowed to try new ideas for improving their work. The policies and procedures are laid down for the guidance of managerial personnel. But within these limits, people are given a free hand to show their talent. The initiative and creativeness encouraged in the organization will make it dynamic and responsive to new situations. If personnel is not encouraged to take the new initiative then the management may not be able to cope with the changing business environment. A good organization clearly defines the scope of work of every person and allows them to grow in that sphere.

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