Concept and Features Of Personal Selling. With Full Definition.

Concept Of Personal Seling

             Sales being the main revenue to a firm will not be able to survive if it is not able to sell its products or services. Personal selling is one of the methods for attracting and convincing the consumer to go for a particular product. Personal selling is the process of assisting and persuading people to buy a product or service through direct personal contact. It involves face-to-face communication between a seller and buyer.


Features of Personal Selling

1. Face to Face Contact.

       Personal selling involves face-to-face contact with the customer. The seller and buyer come close to understanding each other's viewpoint.

2. Two-Way Communication.

       It involves two-way communication. The seller gives the viewpoint of the product and the buyer has a chance to make queries. In some products, the sales are generally possible with mutual interaction only.

3. Better Response.

       When a seller is able to give full information about the product then there is a response from the buyer also. When buyers' queries are satisfied then there are chances of positive response.

4. Oral.

    Personal selling makes use of spoken words or oral messages. It is not in writing.

5. Art

         Personal selling is the art of convincing people to buy a particular product. . The salesman has to convince the customer and win his confidence.

6. Flexibility.

      Personal selling is flexible as the salesman can adjust his presentations as per the needs, preferences, and expectations of the customers.


7. Long Relationship.

        Personal selling aims to win a customer permanently. It seeks to develop a close and lasting relationship between the buyer and the seller.


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