What Are The Levels Of Management? And Its Types With Full Definition.

Levels Of Management

             A number of persons are employed in an organization who are assigned different duties. In order to carry on various activities, the persons at different levels are assigned authority and responsibility. A chain of authority is created from top to bottom of the organization. This chain is divided into three levels which result in three levels of management, The main levels management are :

1. Top-Level management

2. Middle-level management

3. Lower level/supervisory/operation level of management.

What Is Top Level Management?

     Top-level management consists of a board of directors, Charman, President, Vice-President, Cheif Executive Officer, Chief Financial Controller, etc. The persons at the top take crucial decisions and lead the company. These persons have maximum authority to perform their work :

The main functions of top-level management are :


   i) Determining the objective of the enterprise.

         The top-level management determines the long-term and short-term objectives of the enterprise. The main objectives of the organization are formed at this level of management.


   ii) Framing plans and policies.

         Management prepares plans and policies for achieving organizational goals.


   iii) Assigning jobs to middle-level management.

         Top-level management assigns activities to various persons working at the middle level of the management.


   iv) Arranging resources for the enterprise.

         Top-level management arranges financial, human, and physical resources for the organization so that various activities are taken up as per plans.


  v) Responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization.

        Top-level management is responsible for the growth and survival of the organization. The plans are made for the smooth and efficient working of the enterprise.


   vi) Providing Overall Leadership.

       Top management provides overall leadership to the organization. They provide direction to persons at other levels of management and provide clarifications on various plans and policies.


What Is Middle-Level Management?

        Middle-level management consists of departmental heads such as production manager, purchase manager, marketing manager, sales manager, plant head, department head, etc, These are the persons who act as a link between top management and lower level management.


The main functions of middle-level management are :

   I) Interpretation of policies of top management.

        The plans and policies are framed at top-level management. Middle-level management interprets these policies and frames guidelines for the lower level of management.


i) Organising activities of the department.

         Middle-level managers generally head some departments. They organize activities of the department and arrange resources to carry them out.


iii) Selecting employees fo the department.

        Middle-level managers select suitable persons to run their departments.

iv) Motivating employees.

        The employees are motivated to undertake their work in the best possible way.


v) Instructing and controlling employees,

         Middle-level managers give instructions to subordinate employees for taking up their work properly and also control their performance.

vi) Co-operating with other departments.

       There are a number of departments in every organization and co-operation among them is essential for smooth working.


vii) Implementing policies.

     The policies framed by top-level management are implemented by middle-level managers.


What is Supervisory/Operational Level?

     This level of management consists of supervisors, foremen, superintendents, section officers, clerical staff, etc. This is the lowest level in the hierarchy of management and actual operations are the responsibility of this level. The quality and quantity of outputs depend upon the efficiency of this level of managers.

The main functions of the supervisory level are :

     i) Addressing problems and grievances of employees.

         Supervisory staff comes in direct contact with subordinate employees. The grievances and problems of employees are discussed with them and are passed to middle-level management for redressal.


    ii) Maintaining good working conditions.

          A supervisory level is required to provide a good and healthy working environment at the factory level. This will motivate the employees to improve their performance.


    iii) Assisting in recruitment and selection of employees.

           supervisory management assists the middle-level management in the recruitment and selection of employees for the firm.


    iii) Getting feedback from employees.

            This level of staff gets feedback from subordinates on various issues concerning their work. The employees are encouraged to give suggestions to their supervisor and they are rewarded for good suggestions.


     vi) Minimising waste of materials.

            The supervisors should ensure that wastages of materials are minimized.


      vii_ Motivating workers. Supervisors should ensure that employees are properly motivated to improve their performance. The workers are also encouraged to develop team spirit among themselves.

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Objectives Of Management

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